Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Four Corners

After reading the reviews for four corners, it was almost removed from the list. It was a long drive from Page (2 1/2 hours) with a stop at a Burger King owned by the son of a Navajo Code Talker from WWII.   There was a mini museum inside.  We drove through Navajo Nation.  The lands were beautiful and you could see the purple mountains of the Rockies in Colorado in the distance.
They charge five dollars per person and the road and walk way in was quite muddy. The twins both had white sneakers on that didn’t survive the red muds.   once we got in, Patrick got a bucket list item knocked off.  He has been asking since we started this adventure to go to four corners. Apparently the four corners monument was not placed in the right spot.  The government actually needed to change to borders to match the monument.   The kids made some deals and bought some bracelets for friends.

Bumps along the way

There was a fatal accident blocking off the one road from page to four corners.  What we have learned from Navajo nation is that John May have been right when he asked for an SUV instead of a minivan.  The kids prefer the comfortable seating of a Minivan (John has never sat in the way back of an SUV to see the limited legroom and storage space when all seats are up.  So we won. And got the minivan (which I prefer to drive). 
However with the accident blocking the entire route we had no choice but to take a dirt road around the highway.  It was about two miles long and was worse than a dirt road.  It had large rocks and rough terrain.  Luckily the minivan rocked it and off-roaded just fine. (Well maybe one scrape)   The kids enjoyed the adventure.  John-who was working in the way back- not so much.  Not sure if it was because he wanted to do the off reading or more because he wanted the SUV.   The hardest part was there was barely room for one car and there were actually cars in both directions.    Drove through farmland. Past a group of cows, some horses and wild dogs.  

Sometimes the bumps in the trip gives us our biggest adventures.   

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