Monday, August 10, 2020

#47 Alaska


8/9/2020 Having lost my dad this week was the hardest thing that ever happened to me.  We had planned for years to go to Alaska once he got his kidney so I made a last minute decision and in forty eight hours we booked and left for a trip to Alaska in hopes to find solitude, love and a piece of him in Alaska   Unfortunately Declan could not get the time off of work but he is with us in spirit But we miss him and Liz  

Flew into Anchorage and plan a ten day peek at what Alaska has to offer. Pretty disappointed in American Airlines work they do for covid protection.  Plane was packed. No empty seats.  Of course they eliminated drink service on the short flight but that doesn’t help having three strangers in a row.   When we arrived at Anchorage Airport we needed to show our negative tests and fill out an online declaration.  Patrick informed me their numbers are lower than Massachusetts so it feels safe here however not a lot of masks being worn.  Luckily it’s a socially distancing type of vacation. 

We are spending tonight in anchorage. Spring Hill Suites. Tons of space for everyone. Could have gotten away with one room but we spread out to two.  John needs to work at 5 am so he will have good space for that.  

Pops would have enjoyed our first Car ride.  Similar to our time at Black falcon and Castle Island we were surrounded by cargo ships and planes as well as a beautiful harbor.   There were white capped mountains that we all thought were clouds. 

Stop at cooks landing. Where nature meets industry.  Beautiful first look at alaska.  Watching masses of fisherman snag salmon in the stream at low tide added to the ambiance.  I think this may become my new favorite place.   

Watching a sunset at Point Woronzof Park near the airport put us all in a good place to start the trip.   Sunset ahead.  Rainbow behind us. Planes flying overhead and beluga whale pod could be seen in the distance. 


We woke up in anchorage happy to be here.  No plans for the nights hotel.  Patrick asked to go to North Pole Alaska not far from Fairbanks so we decided to head north.

While John worked we took a side trip to beluga point.  No whales but amazing ocean views.   The kids climbed on the rocks and enjoyed the scenery. 

 Six hours in the car was a bit long but absolutely beautiful.  It was closer to 7 hours due to roadworks that made the trip one lane for many miles. There was no radio reception for a while but we were quite entertained by a truck who used an FM transmitter and we were able to pick up their music selection which went from rap to country to classical. A few songs were definitely inappropriate for those under 18.  I didn’t notice the words until the kids were laughing.  So let’s just say we spent the next hour of the drive making sure the truck did not get too far ahead. 

We arrived in Fairbanks at 9 on a Monday.  Food choices weren’t great.  We did find a pizza place near the holiday inn express so everyone could eat.  The beds here are quite comfortable.  Unfortunately, however, the kids favorite breakfast hotel is only serving bagged breakfasts now due to COVID so no pancake machine.  

Along the way the sky was beautiful.   We had trouble seeing Denali (formerly Mt McKinley) but the views were spectacular just the same. We stopped on the side of the road to see a mother moose with her baby.  



While John worked we went to North Pole Alaska to Santa’s house and saw Santa’s 9 reindeer.  Fun looking at Christmas decorations.  Some emotional moments with the Night Before Christmas and seeing the baseball hats we may have brought back for my dad.

Kate chose lunch at lemongrass. Twins love Pad See ew and Nora enjoyed her pineapple fried rice.  

Then we took a drive around University of Alaska Fairbanks. 

I suggested a dog mushing tour and Nora found a great one. Black Spruce Dog Sledding outside Fairbanks.  It was truly at the very end of a very long road but worth the ride.  Kate and Nora enjoyed two hours with sled dogs and sled dog puppies with a sunset ride with the dogs.


Fairbanks to Denali

This is our third stop so far.  Two nights in a cute cabin by McKinley Creek fifteen minutes from the entrance to Denali.  

The twins have always been known as “the three and the four” by my dad.   The cabin number is 34 which is a good omen but it is even more ironic since the last two hotels we stayed in room 234 and 434 so the 3 and the 4 are still following us.   

Already we have seen more sunshine in Alaska than we saw in Hawaii and it’s only been five days.  

Went in a few shops.  Less than 1/3 were open and the area has obviously been affected by Covid with reduced traffic.  Princess cruises has a hotel that was completely closed and a store owner spoke of how beautiful it usually looks.  I had commented about how bright and colorful all the flowers were. 

The Kids and John went on an ATV trip.  It was pouring rain. They drove through dry creek which was not dry.  It was bumpy, muddy, breath taking and so much fun.  

They saw a rainbow at the end of the trip.  

John got a hefty speeding ticket after the warning from me “not to speed”.   Got pulled over by a park ranger.  

They saw a mother moose and her baby as well as some beautiful views. 



Pops is definitely here with us.  Today we were driving through  Denali - formerly Mt McKinley and saw lots of bears and caribou.  The driver of our narrated tour was Allen who was a former science teacher from North Carolina.  He was very knowledgeable.   He was impressed that Denali wasn’t covered by clouds as it’s been all summer and we were able to see its peaks.  More impressed was that we saw a black bear. Apparently they rarely come to that part of the park.  We sat in the back of the bus near a couple from Arizona. (millennials who refused to wear masks-but that’s another topic)   I said we should name the bear. The man in front of me said “his name should be Jerry”   We all got goosebumps.  

We ended the day at the Crows Nest outlook restaurant. Food was good and the view was great.  Booked the rest of the trip minus the last day.   Going to head to Seward and Homer. Plan to take a glacier boat ride and spend some time near the ocean.   Hope to see some puffins, otte

Pops is definitely here with us.  Today we were driving through  Denali - formerly Mt McKinley and saw lots of bears and caribou.  The driver of our narrated tour was Allen who was a former science teacher from North Carolina.  He was very knowledgeable.   He was impressed that Denali wasn’t covered by clouds as it’s been all summer and we were able to see its peaks.  More impressed was that we saw a black bear. Apparently they rarely come to that part of the park.  We sat in the back of the bus near a couple from Arizona. (millennials who refused to wear masks-but that’s another topic)   I said we should name the bear. The man in front of me said “his name should be Jerry”   We all got goosebumps.  

We ended the day at the Crows Nest outlook restaurant. Food was good and the view was great.  Booked the rest of the trip minus the last day.   Going to head to Seward and Homer. Plan to take a glacier boat ride and spend some time near the ocean.   Hope to see some puffins, otters and whales


The drive from Denali to Seward.  We stopped in Talkeetna which is a cute little artsy town with plenty of shopping.  From a covid standpoint there were very few masks but otherwise we wore ours and felt safe enough as it was not very crowded.  We are really seeing the effects on the economy here.  For example, the Denali busses usually have 140 drivers in the summer.  This summer they are only having 9.   


There are so many shops that are closed.  Bathrooms along the route are often closed as well.  But we still make the best of it.  

Denali was completely visible today which puts us in the 30% of visitors who actually get to see it.  

We also made a detour as Patrick learned that Wasilla (home to Sarah Palin) has street names that caught his attention.  So we drove to this way, that road and finally here. See photos attached.  

We got To Seward pretty late.  1100 alaska time. The road here was beautiful but long. Most of it beside the water.  We are staying at the Exit Glacier Lodge and per Kate’s request we have a loft with three twin beds so no fighting over who needs to sleep with who.  

The other perk (besides the fact that we finally saw a dall sheep-who has been stuffed and put on the railing of the loft) was the washer and dryer in the loft.  This will save me a trip to a laundromat as we only packed a small bag and five days of clothes. So we have been in for twenty minutes and the first load is almost halfway done already.   

We booked the Kenai Fjords boat trip to see glaciers and wildlife for the morning very excited to go on this trip. Found a great coupon for 30% off which makes up for the twins being adults now and not getting any kids discounts. 


After a good night sleep in Kate and Patrick’s favorite sleep spot yet., we headed to Seward for a six hour boat ride through Kenai Fjord.   It was worth the money as we saw so many puffins, otters and seals as well as a glacier calving into the sea.   It was a relaxing ride.  

The glacier was huge. Bigger than it seems and beautiful hues of blue.  The kids had virgin glacier ice margaritas taken from the water near the glacier.  

We shopped in Seward and dined at Highliner.  Missing Declan as we walked through a fishing shop and saw the final count after a salmon derby. 


Left our nice little loft this morning.  Had breakfast at the lighthouse bakery then headed north.  Stopped at Lake Jerome for a moment then on to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Area.  highlight was a very active porcupine who kept us quite entertained.  The baby moose who had been abandoned were so sweet too.  

From there a four hour ride to Homer Alaska. Dinner at Fat Olives was delicious.  Strongly recommend the cheesy bread.  Staying on the spit which goes out to into the ocean.  8/17/20

Quiet relaxing day today in Homer.   Waking up to the boats and birds out the window was really relaxing.  

We went out for a quick ride and found rental bikes. Patrick and Kate rode around for 90 minutes and found a hidden swing under a dock that we went and found later. Bought some mini kites and flew them on the beach.  Also spent an hour watching the fisherman monitor the nets he laid out off shore.  Overall a great day.  Lots to do. Lots of shops and ice cream to end our day Hoping to see some otters.   

We got to our room in Homer and it’s at a place called Landsend.  The view from my bed is stunning. Overlooking mountains and a glacier as well as the ocean.  There were three otters right in front and we have a small balcony to sit on.  The spit has some really cute shops and the beach looks fun to explore.  Two nights here then back to anchorage for a flight home Wednesday night. I wish I could stay here for the rest of the summer.  Dad would have approved.  I could see him and Declan Fishing right outside the 

room and watching the boats come by.  


Quiet relaxing day today in Homer.   Waking up to the boats and birds out the window was really relaxing.  

We went out for a quick ride and found rental bikes. Patrick and Kate rode around for 90 minutes and found a hidden swing under a dock that we went and found later. Bought some mini kites and flew them on the beach.  Also spent an hour watching the fisherman monitor the nets he laid out off shore.  Overall a great day.  Lots to do. ice cream to end our day.  One major thing I have noticed is how vibrant all the flowers are. I took pictures today but they do not do them the justice.  The colors are so bright and healthy here in Alaska. Wish I knew what the trick is. Someone said maybe it’s the extra hours of sunshine.  


Not too much to report today.  A bit rainy although we all agree we have had better weather in Alaska than we did in Hawaii.   60 degree days has felt beautiful.  After a stop at the candy store,  We said goodbye to the gorgeous views of Homer and had a four hour ride back to where we started in Anchorage. Plans for the zoo and aviation museum for our Last day before catching a 945 pm flight home.

 We stayed put for the night. Watched impractical jokers and did face masks to get ready for a busy last day.  

8-19 (our last day)

The last day- we managed to get in as much as we could.  Started with the aviation museum. Lots of old planes and flight history.  Then off to a float plane from Hood Lake. There are over 300 sea planes parked here.    Then a trip to the zoo.  Lots of animals. I think porcupines are my favorite.   Grabbed dinner and then ready for a flight to Boston.  Not ready to return to a home without my dad.  It’s going to hit hard.  But We did find some peace. Lots of thoughts of him along the way as well as signs he was with us.  

And that’s a wrap

Advice to those planning an Alaska vacation

-plan for high end excursions.  This is how tourism works as they only have a few months to cover their year.  Things to do have three different price points. 

$17. -  zoo, aviation museum, Alaska wildlife conservation 

100-150-  dog sleds,Denali tour

300+. Air trips to glaciers, bears etc. 

-Denali - book early.  Shuttle and tour go from same location and on the same road and will stop to see wild animals.  Shuttle is 40, tour is 160. 

-stay in a cabin.  We had lots of luck at McKinley Creek Cabins.

-dog tour- don’t need the most publicized one.  We had a great time with

It was the less expensive route.  But met the dogs and played with the puppies.  

Take a trip in a seaplane.  We used

Denali ATV Gave an exciting ride through the woods and up a dry creek.   

Be prepared to pull over to see the sights.  Never know when there will be a moose and it’s calf.  We did not expect to enjoy every stop the way we did. 

Pants and bugspray-  we did not have much need for shorts as it averaged 60s.  But the bugs in Alaska aren’t dusk pests. They are around all day. So be prepared. 

Rent a bike. - many towns have bike sharing.  The kids biked for six dollars an hour in Homer.  

Keep your eyes opened.  There are things to see in the water, the sky and the side of the road.  

Don’t feel rushed.  Enjoy the moment and take lots of pictures. pictures. 



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