Sunday, August 13, 2017

NOrth Dakota

NOrth Dakota 1520 miles since Portland Oregon and we are in the home stretch. Saturday night at 8 we enter North Dakota. Beautiful sunset and the plains are welcoming. This is one state that really has taken us out of our way and I am sad to say we will not be putting much effort into ND. Planning a quick visit to Roosevelt National Park and Prarie Dog tow. staying at Holiday Inn Express as the kids are hoping for the pancake machine they like so much. Still following the Lewis and Clark trail along route 90 Best night sleep of the trip. Hotel had a huge water slide and good breakfast. Now off to a very quick swing through Theodore Roosevelt national park. I have to say I am quite impressed. The little town we went through was adorable with cowboy charm. The painted canyon was gorgoiues and the highlight was watching the prariedogs run around.

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